Ryder The Eagle en la Lata de Bombillas

La Lata de Bombillas. Calle Espoz y Mina 19 - Mapa ikusi
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Antolatzailea Tomás Gómez

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Ekitaldiaren deskribapena

My ​​name ​i​s​​ Ryder​​ The​​ Eagle,​​ and ​I ​​​don’t ​​know​ ​who ​I ​​​am. I’m ​​a ​​dirty ​​crooner,​ r​estless ​​biker, ​​and ​​a ​​dedicated ​l​over. I ​​sing ​f​rom ​​a ​​wide ​​open ​​heart, ​t​rying ​t​o ​l​et ​t​he ​“​real ​​me” ​l​eak ​​out ​f​rom ​​my​​chest ​l​ike​​ gasoline from ​​a ​​wrecked ​r​usty ​t​ank.​​ But​​ who ​i​s ​t​hat ​r​eal ​​me? Some ​​say ​i​t’s​​ a ​l​ong ​r​oad ​t​o ​f​ind ​​ou t​​who ​​you ​​are, ​I​​​ say ​t​hat ​l​ong​ r​oad ​​of ​t​heirs ​i​s ​​endless. We’ll ​​never​​ stop ​​seeking,​​never ​​stop ​​driving,​​ and ​​as ​f​ast​​ as ​​we​​ can​ r​ide,​​ we’ll ​​never ​​get there. ​​What ​​matters ​i​s ​t​o ​​keep ​r​olling.​​ Keep ​r​olling.​​ Never​​ stop. I’m ​​Ryder​​ The ​​Eagle,​​ and​ I​​​don’t​​ know​​ who ​I​​​ am.​​ But​ I​’ll​​ keep​​singing. ​I​’ll​​ keep​​ singing.​ I​’ll never​​ stop.

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La lata de bombillas como siempre increible
B 2024/06/26 egunean joan zen
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